Economics is a free search engine that provides an option to search for and download various PDF&DOC documents, data sheets etc. We don't host any files. Our crawlers harvested a huge database PDF&DOC files through different open Internet resources such as blogs, forums, BBS and others. This database is regularly checked for file validity so now you can search within more than three million of live PDF&DOC files. Today we have 30000 000 document files in our search database and approximately 50 000 files are added daily. Read more...


The DART-Europe partners help to provide researchers with a single European Portal for the discovery of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs), and they participate in advocacy to influence future European e-theses developments. DART-Europe offers partners a European networking forum on ETD issues, and may provide the opportunity to submit collaborative funding applications to achieve DART-Europe's vision for ETDs. Read more...


University of Nebraska-Lincoln users from off-campus connections should proceed directly to the resource you desire; you will be asked to authenticate with your UNL ID number for free download of full-text dissertations from ProQuest. Please remember to log out or close browser when you are done. Read more....


LSE is a specialist university with an international intake and a global reach. Its research and teaching span the full breadth of the social sciences, from economics, politics and law to sociology, anthropology, accounting and finance. Founded in 1895, the School has an outstanding reputation for academic excellence. 16 Nobel prize winners have been LSE staff or alumni. Read more..


TheShodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. The repository has the ability to capture, index, store, disseminate and preserve ETDs submitted by the researchers. Read more...


National FTD Portal :Metadata for all theses and dissertations produced internationally are collected and made accessible, as well as disseminated further, from this site. Software developed and maintained by the Digital Libraries Laboratory at University of Cape Town. Read more....


Open Access Thesis and Dissertations: Is an all type of collection in theses, doctoral, Ph.d, M.Sc in available the website. Read more... 


Cambridge is the University of Cambridge’s institutional repository, preserving and providing access to content created by members of the University. It is delivered and managed by the University Library. Read more...


scholarWorks @ Georgia State University highlights the research and scholarly productivity of members of the University community. The University Library administers the archive to collect, organize, disseminate, and preserve the digital scholarly output of Georgia State University faculty, students and staff. Read more...


Louisiana University: Electronic Thesis & Dissertation Collection in A-Z Available here. Read more..


DSpace@MIT is a growing collection of MIT’s research that includes peer-reviewed articles, technical reports, working papers, theses and more. End-user downloads of the 70,000+ items regularly exceed one million per month. Read more.....


PQDT Open, you can read the full text of open access dissertations and theses free of charge. You can quickly and easily locate dissertations and theses relevant to your discipline, and view the complete text in PDF format. Read more...


Texas A&M University: Is an very easily collected to the information theses and dissertation. Read more...


CaltechTHESIS contains Ph.D., Engineer's, Master's, and Bachelor's/Senior theses authored by Caltech students. Most items in Caltech THESIS are textual dissertations, but some may also contain software programs, maps, videos, etc. The repository is updated continuously as students add new theses, and library staff scan and add older theses. Read more...


The NCSU Libraries is the gateway to knowledge for the North Carolina State University community and partners. The Libraries' collections reflect the historic strengths of the University as well as its vision for the future. Read more...


The theses below are available electronically from Williams College Libraries. In addition to those listed here, all Williams theses are deposited with the Williams College Archives and can be found in the Williams College Library Catalog, using Theses as subject. Read more...


The FIU Digital Commons is a digital repository for capturing, archiving and disseminating the research, creative and scholarly output of the Florida International University community. We are working with departments, centers and individual faculty to select, submit, and manage content in the FIU Digital Commons. Read more....


PDF Drive is a search engine designed to find PDF files. As of today we have109,764,936 ebooks for you to download for free. Read more..


Wikibooks isthe open-content textbooks collection that anyone can edit..2,711 books with 49,144 pages Read more....


Project Gutenberg offers over 46,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.We carry high quality ebooks: All our ebooks were previously published by bona fide publishers. We digitized and diligently proofread them with the help of thousands of volunteers. Read more...


Hikari is a publisher of international journals and books in science, technology and medicine. Founded in 2005, Hikari is a rapidly expanding publisher covering a wide range of disciplines. Read more....


At Saylor Academy, barriers of time, distance, and money fade away as the future you choose comes into view Read more....


As a global eBook publisher, offers a huge range of over 1000 eBooks in seven languages, directly available to download from the website.Read more...


Pdfsb: On this site you can read and download free books online in pdf format. It's database covers an extensive array of pdf books in different languages that describe all types of subjects and topics. For those who're looking for free e books online, this site has made it easier for readers to search for what they want, through their built-in search engine and the additional filters. After typing the search engine keywords, you can also filter the size of the downloadable book, the page count and the language so they can trim down the results to fit what they’re actually looking for.Read more